7th grade skate night sign up

7th Grade Skate Night

TUESDAY FEBRUARY 4TH, 2025, 6:30-8:00pm

7th Grade Skate Night Tickets are available for purchase here on Membership Toolkit until Sunday, February 2nd.


Instructions for logging in to buy a ticket/complete the waiver:


How to Purchase a Ticket for 7th Grade Skate Night:

  • Go to "My Account" (second from the right in this Navigation Menu)
  • Scroll down to select "My Forms/Paperwork" (as shown below) to login
  • Once logged in select the "7th Grade Skate Night" Form
  • Only families with 7th Graders should be able to see the forms. If you do not see the form, make sure your 7th grader is on your family profile (click Family Information link). If they are not, add your new student to your profile.


 Why Join PTA?


Get Connected

There’s no better way to know what’s happening at school. Read the weekly PTA eNews and come to our monthly meetings to hear updates from Principal Jason Law, learn about volunteer opportunities and get info on school events.


PTA meetings and events are also a great way to meet other parents and our teachers, building rapport and discussing issues that are on your mind. Your ideas, concerns, and experiences are always welcome, just email us at walnutcreekintermediatepta@gmail.com.


Witness Improvement

By joining PTA you become part of the solution, helping make positive changes. PTA plays an important role by supporting school initiatives with dollars and volunteers. 


Membership Perks

PTA members enjoy many benefits including discounts and offers from member benefits providers and sponsors. You also get access to our online directory of students. PTA membership is $15/annually.


Why donate to the WCI PTA Annual Fund?

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the PTA Annual Fund so we can reach our annual goal of $25,000. Your donations provide the funds to support school programs, host staff appreciation events and most importantly - create memories for your student!


The suggested annual donation is $100 per student. Any amount is greatly appreciated!


Where your donations go:

  • 6th, 7th and 8th grade skate nights at Golden Skate
  • Keith Hawkins student leadership workshop and parent education night
  • Pizza lunch for WEB day
  • Staff appreciation lunches and treats throughout the year
  • Color Splash Fun Run
  • Ice cream Friday’s for Character Pillar winners
  • Annual adult social
  • 8th grade promotion party
  • Credit card processing fees, weekly email newsletters, and website hosting fees

 Many thanks,

 Jamie Kopstein, WCI PTA President and the entire PTA Executive Board



Register or Login


 If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another organization,
you can use the same log-in here.


Each year you will need to reactivate or create your WCI PTA Membership Toolkit account to register your child. Your account in Membership Toolkit allows you to:

  • update and maintain your family's contact information for the online student directory (access to the directory is included with each PTA Membership)
  • enroll in the weekly eNewsletter
  • purchase items, and make donations 

Please help us stay connected with you by maintaining your family’s information in Membership Toolkit (download the mobile app for easy access) and by joining the PTA and signing up for eNews.


How to Make a Contribution for PE Clothes:

  • Go to "My Account" (see Navigation Menu below the WCI banner or in the mobile menu/hamburger menu."My Account" is towards the middle)
  • Scroll down to select "My Forms/Paperwork" to login
  • Once logged in select the "WCI PE Uniforms" Form
  • If you do not see the form, make sure you have registered for an account in WCI Membership Toolkit (there is no cost to register) and that your child is on your family profile (click Family Information link). If they are not, add your new student to your profile.



Register or Donate


 If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another organization, you can use the same log-in here.





Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! When you donate to the Walnut Creek Education Foundation (WCEF) and by joining the WCI PTA, you're supporting our school! Your donations to WCEF are vital to enhance your student's education beyond what the state funds.  


California ranks 33rd in the country in per student funding resulting in only a basic education. The programs, teachers, and elective classes that make WCI special—more electives for students to choose from in art, music and science and a credentialed librarian—are made possible only through your donations to WCEF.


The WCI PTA plays a crucial role in building community, organizing events, and supporting our exceptional teachers and staff and is part of a larger state association. To maintain these valuable programs and services, we kindly request families to contribute to both WCEF and the PTA this year. 


The suggested donation to meet our 2024-25 goal is $825 per student annually (or $69 per student monthly) to WCEF and $100 per student to PTA. However, what matters most is a united community coming together to give and volunteer whatever we can.


To learn more about WCEF, visit wcefk12.org or email contact@wcefk12.org.





Support your child’s education by making a donation now: www.wcefk12.org/donate


WCEF 40 years

WCEF TK-12 is a non-profit 501(c)(3) federal tax ID #94-2915151.


WCSD School LunchBreakfast and lunch are FREE for each school day of 2024-2025 with the option of purchasing a la carte items. Go HERE to find out about FREE lunches.



Upcoming PTA Meeting

Join us for January's PTA meeting!

WCI PTA Association on Wed, January 15th

7pm via Zoom

Join Zoom via this link

Subscribe to eNews!

 If you are not getting the weekly eNews every Wednesday from WCI PTA, sign up through this form.

Missing an edition? Check the archive for previous newsletters.

eNews sign up

Volunteer interest sign up 

Volunteer interest form
Click above image to sign up for volunteer opportunities - we will reach out to notify you as special PTA-planned events come up. Thank you for considering volunteering at an event!

Find us on Facebook and Instagram!

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